4.8/5 - (15 votes)

Recently, a rice mill processing line with a capacity of 15 tonnes per day was successfully dispatched by our company as part of the modernization of local agriculture. Ghana, a land full of a strong agricultural atmosphere, especially the cultivation and sale of rice has always occupied an important position in the agricultural market.

Rice Supplier of Choice

This customer in Ghana is an experienced supplier in the rice marketing industry. He runs a local rice specialty retail shop and has been committed to providing high-quality rice to the local population. After an in-depth discussion with our business manager, he decided to purchase a 15TPD rice mill processing line as standard to increase productivity.

Basic Configuration to Meet Needs

The customer’s choice was based on a deep understanding of market needs. As he mainly supplies rice to retail outlets, his requirements for rice quality are relatively low, while his demand for production capacity is relatively high. Taking into account the customer’s budgetary constraints, we recommended this basic configuration of the rice milling unit for him.

Rice Mill Processing Line Advantages

  • Efficient production capacity to meet demand: 15 tonnes per day is sufficient to meet the customer’s daily demand, ensuring that he can supply fresh rice to his retail outlets promptly. The efficient production capacity also provides him with strong support to dominate in the competitive market.
  • Easy to operate, lower threshold: The rice milling unit is easy to learn and even those with no experience in operating machinery can get started quickly. This facilitates staff training and daily operations for customers.

Experience Sharing from the Customer

The customer says that the introduction of the rice mill processing line has made his production line more efficient. In the past, manual rice milling was slow and time-consuming, but now, with the help of the machine, the rice production speed has increased significantly and the production cycle has been shortened considerably.

If you are also looking for solutions to improve the efficiency of rice production, please feel free to contact us. We will provide you with professional design and recommendations!