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The survey found that the poor quality of key parts of the rice milling machine is the most powerful problem reflected by users. Fifteen of the 30 surveyed users raised component quality issues, accounting for 50% of the total survey. The key components of rice grading screen and rubber roller quality are the focus of complaints.
Rice Mill 4Rice Mill 5
For example, according to a grain processing point in Wuming County, Guangxi, his family’s smash-and-mill combination rice machine screen can work for 7-8 hours, and the life of the rubber roller is less than one month. The user purchases parts in the agricultural machinery store, the screen is about 5 yuan/piece, and the rubber roller is about 300 yuan/pair. Compared to the smile profit of grain processing, there is no small expenditure when replacing parts.

When investigators observed the sieve, it was found that the sieve was not heat treated according to the standard requirements, the quality could not be guaranteed, and the replaced rubber roller was also very non-wearing and irritating, which was obviously produced with inferior rubber. Similar issues are very common in the survey.